Friday, March 18, 2005

2005 NCAA Tournament Update - Day 1

Before we get into a quick update of Round One of the NCAA Men’s tournament, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t pass this little pearl along to you. As if there haven’t already been enough awful, awful movies made that prominently featured NBA players (Kazaam spring to mind), this summer, you can watch as one man makes his incredible journey to the top of the NBA. Get ready for…

The Year of the Yao”.

No, I’m not kidding. Click the link to see the trailer. Go ahead; I can wait. I’m wondering if Yao has any major speaking roles? I still can’t get over the translator at the end of the trailer:

“How do I thank my family – my homeland? How does a blade of grass thank the sun?”

Now, if that isn’t top 10 quote material in your book, then you’re on the wrong webpage my friend. From now on, anytime someone asks me a tough question, I’m responding with “How does a blade of grass thank the sun?” I think that could get me out of some tough situations.

By the way – the Yao trailer just jumped ahead of the trailer for “Comedian” (the documentary about stand-up comedy by Jerry Seinfeld & Colin Quinn) as my favorite comedy trailer ever. Yes, I spend lots time on watching movie trailers. I’m a movie geek – deal with it.

So anyway…how many of you used my bracket picks to your advantage in your own pool? Since only one person joined my Tournament Challenge division, (shame on you all), I don’t have the pleasure of looking down with disdain at the rabble below me. Luckily, I also submitted my picks at and in’s Daily Quickie division.

I ask because, had you followed my lead, you would probably be the envy of your office right now. My friend Jay has already called to tell me that people are pissed at him, since he followed my lead pick-for-pick (without telling the rest of his office of course), and is now reaping the rewards of going 16-for-16 on Day One.

Now, not to jinx it or anything, but I doubt that this will keep up. I’m still leery about the GW / Georgia Tech game this afternoon, and in the back of my mind something tells me that Vermont is going to stun Syracuse (and eliminate one of my Final Four teams in the process). But I’ll take 16-16 any day of the week.

Oh, and to pass along one more note for you… since I know how much pleasure you all derive from my gambling mistakes. Two days ago I checked the lines on the first day’s games, just in case I decided to drop $200 on them. I made my picks and then got the odds on two 8-way parlays for the 16 games being played, just for the hell of it.

I rechecked my picks today before I left for work. All 16 hit. I would have hit two $100 8-way parlays. Translation? I’d be buying a new house today. The two 8-ways that I had checked out, at $100 each, would have paid about $15k each. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the extra $200 to put on the games, so I just made picks and wrote them down for future reference.

I mean, how many times in my life could I go 16-for-16? Once? Twice? Yes, you already know what comes next…

I’m a tool.

Until the second round…



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